Daripada Abu Hurairah Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda “Sesiapa yang Allah mahukan kebaikan baginya, Dia (Allah) memberikannya kefahaman dalam Ad-Din” [Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim]


02 February 2019

Overview of High-Performance Vehicles - ppt video online download

Overview of High-Performance Vehicles - ppt video online download: High-performance Marine Vehicles Our definition: no simple monohull form weight supported by: hydrostatic buoyancy hydrodynamic lift aerostatic lift aerodynamic lift hybrid High-performance usually includes: usually high speeds good seakeeping characteristics enhanced manoeuvrability reduced signatures


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02 February 2019

Overview of High-Performance Vehicles - ppt video online download

Overview of High-Performance Vehicles - ppt video online download: High-performance Marine Vehicles Our definition: no simple monohull form weight supported by: hydrostatic buoyancy hydrodynamic lift aerostatic lift aerodynamic lift hybrid High-performance usually includes: usually high speeds good seakeeping characteristics enhanced manoeuvrability reduced signatures