Daripada Abu Hurairah Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda “Sesiapa yang Allah mahukan kebaikan baginya, Dia (Allah) memberikannya kefahaman dalam Ad-Din” [Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim]


23 January 2010

hati dan minda

td aku mengalami pengalaman kisah sedih di hari minggu
kenape??sbb aku punyelah semangat nk bersilat hari ini
td mnx naziha bwk gi ktf
syng anti..
lepas tu singgah tmpt lesen
tp tutup juge sbb Sultan mangkat
lpastu pergi ktho jln kaki pns2
then nk ke ktdi jmpe nizam
die kate training xde..sbb Sultan Mangkat
oh..aku pun decide pergi bilik iz
diorang da nk gi main hoki
aku dh lame xmemegang stick hoki dan bermain hoki
tp nk ikut diorng men pns2??hm..pikir spuluh kali jugak

then aku pun duduk diam2 dlm bilik iz..
mengulangkaji fluid mechanic3=hydrodynamic yg memng maya
hmm..then aku bosan,aku pun kluarkan pisau dan training dalam bilik iz
sbb aku da lame xbrmain pisau,,rindu pula
hee..bilik iz da jd glanggang plak td
pstu aku bce noveel ni.."sweetheart from hell"..haha
i remember my english lecturer who is "lecturer from hell"
but the story is interesting..
a woman asked for divorce because of a lipstick..hmm
what a freak..
Aku berdoa sngt2 kalau aku kahwin,,minta dijauhkan penceraian..

Lepastu aku trpikir,camane nk tau psngn kite tu memng org yg brsame kite smpai tua
Orang yg da kahwin ni..macamna dia boleh yakin psl prkhwinan2 kekal x????
Hmm..kne buat statement of requirement,analysis and wise decision..(mngikut marin sistem)
Takutnye..kan sngt mmbazir kalau dah knal lme tp....
HUhu..MInta dijauhkan dari bende2 tu Ya Allah

Mlm tu Iz sebarkan ilmu yg Baiti dapat..
Ilmu predict psl alam prkhwinan kite,..haha
Tapi ade betulnye..aku selalu trtarik dngn golongn trtntu..
GOlongan ape?Yang itu tak boleh bagitahu.
Tapi susahnya bile hati dan minda xsejiwa
hati kate jngn..minda asyik fikir nk buat..
Berkaitan ape?Yang itu yg kite tak tahu
Hm..minta2 hatiku kuat menolak prkre yg trlintas di minda yg inginku jauhkan..

nk smbung..dan aku buke facebook
iluvislam.com post an article
selari dengan apa yg aku fikirkan ini
aku pun klik la dan bace.=)
moge2 aku dikuatkan hati utk menolak kehendak nafsu
and..moge2 dapat jodoh yg baik..

22 January 2010

ko-q dulu2: etiket dalam pelbagai situasi

Etiket dalam pelbagai situasi melibatkan etiket yang tidak berkaitan dengan etiket di meja makan, etiket berpakian dan etiket perkenalan dan pergaulan. Etiket dalam pelbagai situasi sebenarnya adalah satu elemen penting dalam kehidupan seseorang walaupun hal ini sering dianggap perkara yang remeh. Contohnya, kesopanan ketika masuk kereta dan keluar dari kereta, kesopanancara berdiri, berjalan dan duduk dalam pelbagai keadaan dan situasi, kesopanan naik tangga dan turun tangga dan sebagainya.
Pengamalan etiket sangat penting dalam apa jua situasi kerana ia boleh mempertingkatkan imej seseorang. Apa jua perilaku yang kita lakukan yang mengikut norma yang diterima masyarakat menjadikan kita individu yang dihormati dan disenangi oleh orang ramai.

Setiap apa yang kita lakukanharuslah menyenangkan pelbagai pihak dan diterima ramai, begitu juga ketika berdiri, berjalan dan duduk. Cara berdiri, berjalan dan duduk perlulah menunjukkan kita yakin dengan diri, kemas dan sopan dengan postur yang betul. Kesopanan ini tidak mengira apa jua tempat dan situasi dan amat perlu terutamanya ketika sesi temuduga. Cara kita berdiri, berjalan dan duduk perlulah meyakinkan orang lain yang kita ialah individu positif dan layak mendapat kerja tersebut.

Ketika berada di tempat awam pula, kita perlulah menitikberatkan poster yang betul supaya orang lain menghormati kita.Janganlah duduk berpeleseran di kaki lima dengan cara yang tidak sopan kerana ia mengganggu orang ramai untuk berjalan dan menyemakkan mata yang melihat. Elakkan bersandar kerana ia menunjukkkan kita seorang yang malas. Ketika duduk, pastikan kaki mencecah lantai dan jangan menjungkit-jungkitkan kerusi kerana tidak selamat dan dilihat tidak sopan. Jangan menghentakkan kaki dengan kuat atau mengheret kaki ketika berjalan kerana boleh mengganggu orang ramai dan menunjukkan sikap negatif diri.

Kesopanan naik tangga dan turun tangga juga perlu dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan seharian. Naik tangga dan turun tangga dengan langkah yang kemas dan tidak terlalu membunyikan hentakan kaki. Dahulukan wanita ketika menaiki tangga dan dahulukan lelaki ketika tutun tangga. Semua ini adalah untuk keselamatan wanita. Selain itu, jika menyedari ada individu yangbergegas ketika menaiki tangga, beri laluan kepadanya kerana mungkin dia sedang bergegas untuk janjitemu.

Kesopanan juga dititikberatkan ketika masuk dan keluar lif. Dahulukan golongan orang tua, kanak-kanak dan wanita ketika masuk dam keluar. Semasa ingin masuk ke dalam lif, kita perlulah menunggu orang yang berada di dalam lif untuk keluar dahulu. Kita juga perlu memberikan laluan jik terdapat individu yang membawa barang berat atau besar. Janganlah berbual terlalu kuat di dalam lif kerana menggnaggu ketenteraman orang lain.

Situasi ini melibatkan soal jawab tentang lokasi atau masa di sesuatu tempat awam contohnya di pasaraya. Mungkin ada orang yang tidak biasa dengan kompleks membeli-belah tersebutakan bertanya bagaimana untuk pergi ke sesuatu tempat. Kita perlukah menjawab dengan wajah yang manis dan jawab tidak pasti jika memang kita tidak tahu. Jangan menjawab sesuka hati kerana akan menyusahkan orang lain. Jika kita orang yang bertanya, kita perlulah menyoal dengan sopan-santun dan jangan lupa berterima kasih.

Adab turun naik keretaa juga penting kerana menunjukkan kita elegan di mana saja terutamanya bagi wanita. Buka pintu kereta dengan sopan, berdiri di sebelah tempat duduk, dan duduk di tepi tempat duduk dengan lutut selari dengan buku lali. Kumudian, angkat kaki ke bahagian hadapan tempat duduk. Asas yang sama dipraktikkan ketika turun dari kereta.

Selalunya, terdapat banyak peraturan-peraturan khas di tempat awam seperti di lapangan terbang, di hospital, di pejabat rasmi kerajaan dan di pasaraya. Kita perlulah mengamalkan etiket dengan mematuhi setiap peraturan yang ada. Contohnya, lapangan terbang dan hospital adalah kawasan larangan merokok. Jika kita merokok juga tanpa menghiraukan peraturan yang ada, kita dipanjdang serong dan dianggap tidak beretiket. Hal ini kerana ianya dilihat tidak menghormati orang ramai.

Kita perlulah menutup mulut ketika bersin atau batuk untuk mencegah daripada menyebarkannya kepada orang lain. Bersin menyebarkan bakteria dengan kelajuan 100-600 miles per hour. Amalkan menutup mulut dengan sapu tangan atau tisu kerana jika menutup mulut dengan tangan sahaja, ditakuti bakteria penyakit akan merebak semasa kita memegang sesuatu di persekitaran.


as usual..friday 8am..i feel very exited to hear from other about success
these are what I got:
1) Be HONEST.dont tell a lie
2) What u get, give to others
Hadis Nabi Muhammad s.a.w "...If anyone fulfills his brother's needs, Allah will fulfill his needs; if one relieves a Muslim of his troubles, Allah will relieve his troubles on the Day of Resurrection.. (Al-BUkhari dan Muslim)
Never interrupt a talk, though you know it inside out (Al-Khatib Al- Baghdadi)
Hadis Nabi Muhammad s.a.w"Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt, for truthfulness is certainty and tranquility, whilst lying is doubt and confussion." (Al-Tarmidhi, Al-Nisaa'i and Ibn Hibban)
But...I am confuse. Most of them who presented use this phrase.."Most people who got many A's in SPM or STPM think that they are success. But for me, it is not success." Then I asked inside, so Is the many A's is to show the failure?? Confuse..confuse.. Then, some says who got many A's are just want to show up and to be respected by other. I asked quietly, "what if I work hard not because an A but end up getting one? " Am I a failure people?
This is why i dont like people to know my result.How I hate this situation. People always said the many A's student just do the study, not enjoy the life. The many A's students do not know how to apply the knowledge in future. The many A's student cannot say 'they dont know', it is like a shame for us. Because other people around us expect the many A's student know everything in and out. I am really stress when facing these moment. Other people says 'How I cannot get result like u?' and it make me sick. Dont see the success by the result, please. If I got good result does not mean I am really bombastic fantastic human being.
Actually, I really do what I love and love what I do. Not just study with saying 'I must get A's' everytime. They dont know how i TRY to understand what I should understand. And if it turned out that I got A's, is it wrong for me? Then, what is the proper way to study? target a B?? So confusela..


Ok..Start our business..What is attitude??Actually I do not know. Than I search through internet. The answers are very psychology..Me who is engineering student did not understand. Then I asked people about their opinion. Many of them answered the act which considering other people. Logically, it can be accepted.

Oh..I forgot to mention.. Last Saturday, my house broke in by thief. I do not know whether it is thief or thieves because do not know the quantity. He entered the house through the window while the whole family was sleeping. He took six handphones and 2 laptops and also a few of cash. We all very depressed and all blaming the thief, of course he the one to blame. What a bad guy he is. He brought to us problems; buy new handphones, new laptops..That reduces our money. Than I remember the word attitude.

The thief is the example of bad attitude. What have he done is the action without consideration of other people. He just does whatever he wants to do to get money. He never thinks about what will be the consequences for us and for him. He doesn’t care about how we feeling and how much will we loss to buy the new one. He never thinks that what he done is wrong and he will be punished if he get caught to jail or if not, will be punished by God someday.

Than I remember there are many bad attitude examples I found before, or some I have done before. Like late to club meeting, littering, park the car not appropriate position, not fold the telekung properly. And I think these will bring to other’s difficulties and bad feeling. All of the bad attitudes are done with no care about others. Like ‘who care?’. When people are in their comfort zone, they usually do not care to do something pleasant for others. Like when someone attend meeting or rehearsal late, I always found this situation during the community service program which I join, many of them said..its ok, others also came late. And it turns out too many activities to be delayed and the program was not very success.

I will conclude that attitude is the choice of action which considers us and other people’s comfort. People got two choices; to bring success and happiness or bring failure and sadness. Those who choose the positive one are the good attitude people. Bad attitude give people low chance for the success.


I’ve been asked by MR fendy (again) to deliver something about attitude…and I was begin to worry. I do not want anything like last week.

Last week, I told about a story of a girl who want to bake a cake but she didn’t know how to. Mr Fendy asked, why must bake, not just buy it? Then I said she want to feel the taste of her own cake with she who decided the quantity of the ingredient. (Actually my answer was not good as this, because of the nervous).With buying it only, she cannot feel the moment. Of course, there are a lot of recipes that she tried but most of the times, it failed. Some less sugar, some less baking powder, some less butter. Then Mr Fendi asked, how did she felt for this? Of course she felt sad, like what you have done is failed. (but the way I answer is the worst I think). And Mr fendi asked, so what is relation between this girl and success?

The girl trying is like us in real world, always trying to get what we aimed for. Yeah, life needs us to have aim. Like ir fuaad sabki said if we do not know where to go, we do not know when to get there. But we found failures frequently. That is normal for real life. The girl shows me that we must not give up for achieve success in whatever we do. How? We must choose the right decision. Like the girl, she tried to choose the right recipe for the taste that she want. And she must decide the amount of each ingredient. But, the right decision could be done after several failures. That is the way we learn from mistakes. No pain, no gain. Besides, how would she know that the cake is less this and that. She asked her mom, family, friends about it. Same as in the real life, how did we know the positive and negative about what we done, of course from critics from other people. Critics are good for improvement. This also shows that the way to success is not conquer by us only. It considers other people too. The help and opinion from other make us do better.

I also said that the success people are someone who made wise decision in life. How to make wise decision? It requires analysis the good and bad based on knowledge and experience. That is why they said knowledge is power. I remember cikgu mohd nor (my silat teacher) said we must become good listener and good observer, then only we can become good learner. The one who is good learner can make wise decision. In conclusion, success needs knowledge by the help from other with facing of failure to failure and with determination to not give up.(if only I can speak like this in public..so relief).

16 January 2010


ku mengambil subjek english career search with mr affendi..
bnyk ilmu2 hidup yg dipelajari
anyway..aku berasa sungguh bertuah dpt brguru dngn insan-insan
yg melihat kuliahnya itu sbg medan membentuk peribadi insan
mereka bukan hanya bercakap tntng ilmu subjek shj
mlh lebih dr itu
mereka memberikn ape yg trsirat dlm ilmu itu..
mereka mencurah nasihat berguna untuk kelansungan hidup
antara insan-insan itu ialah cikgu mohd noor, dr amran alias,
ir fuad sabki, hj yahya, dr sabariah, pn halijah, ust.sulaiman
en. zubil..dan my english lecturer....mr affendi hashim.
as he said..he is lecturer from hell.
i said never mind..
he said that dont take his class bcoz no final exam
actually,,i dont care whether it has or not.
just that before the registration,
i thought the name of this course is career research..hehe
i means that we will learn research the career..
when i know the actual name..
i'm glad for what i've done..bcoz
its not easy for people to accept interview, stress,
and mr fendi is there to help
his assignment was to talk about success
actually i feel embarrass bcoz for the starting, i suddenly lost the word..
not that i memorized it.it just i lost the confidence in front of the chinese
but i deliver the talk..and mr fendi ask a sudden
fortunately i have the idea to answer it..although it a mess.
next post:success


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23 January 2010

hati dan minda

td aku mengalami pengalaman kisah sedih di hari minggu
kenape??sbb aku punyelah semangat nk bersilat hari ini
td mnx naziha bwk gi ktf
syng anti..
lepas tu singgah tmpt lesen
tp tutup juge sbb Sultan mangkat
lpastu pergi ktho jln kaki pns2
then nk ke ktdi jmpe nizam
die kate training xde..sbb Sultan Mangkat
oh..aku pun decide pergi bilik iz
diorang da nk gi main hoki
aku dh lame xmemegang stick hoki dan bermain hoki
tp nk ikut diorng men pns2??hm..pikir spuluh kali jugak

then aku pun duduk diam2 dlm bilik iz..
mengulangkaji fluid mechanic3=hydrodynamic yg memng maya
hmm..then aku bosan,aku pun kluarkan pisau dan training dalam bilik iz
sbb aku da lame xbrmain pisau,,rindu pula
hee..bilik iz da jd glanggang plak td
pstu aku bce noveel ni.."sweetheart from hell"..haha
i remember my english lecturer who is "lecturer from hell"
but the story is interesting..
a woman asked for divorce because of a lipstick..hmm
what a freak..
Aku berdoa sngt2 kalau aku kahwin,,minta dijauhkan penceraian..

Lepastu aku trpikir,camane nk tau psngn kite tu memng org yg brsame kite smpai tua
Orang yg da kahwin ni..macamna dia boleh yakin psl prkhwinan2 kekal x????
Hmm..kne buat statement of requirement,analysis and wise decision..(mngikut marin sistem)
Takutnye..kan sngt mmbazir kalau dah knal lme tp....
HUhu..MInta dijauhkan dari bende2 tu Ya Allah

Mlm tu Iz sebarkan ilmu yg Baiti dapat..
Ilmu predict psl alam prkhwinan kite,..haha
Tapi ade betulnye..aku selalu trtarik dngn golongn trtntu..
GOlongan ape?Yang itu tak boleh bagitahu.
Tapi susahnya bile hati dan minda xsejiwa
hati kate jngn..minda asyik fikir nk buat..
Berkaitan ape?Yang itu yg kite tak tahu
Hm..minta2 hatiku kuat menolak prkre yg trlintas di minda yg inginku jauhkan..

nk smbung..dan aku buke facebook
iluvislam.com post an article
selari dengan apa yg aku fikirkan ini
aku pun klik la dan bace.=)
moge2 aku dikuatkan hati utk menolak kehendak nafsu
and..moge2 dapat jodoh yg baik..

22 January 2010

ko-q dulu2: etiket dalam pelbagai situasi

Etiket dalam pelbagai situasi melibatkan etiket yang tidak berkaitan dengan etiket di meja makan, etiket berpakian dan etiket perkenalan dan pergaulan. Etiket dalam pelbagai situasi sebenarnya adalah satu elemen penting dalam kehidupan seseorang walaupun hal ini sering dianggap perkara yang remeh. Contohnya, kesopanan ketika masuk kereta dan keluar dari kereta, kesopanancara berdiri, berjalan dan duduk dalam pelbagai keadaan dan situasi, kesopanan naik tangga dan turun tangga dan sebagainya.
Pengamalan etiket sangat penting dalam apa jua situasi kerana ia boleh mempertingkatkan imej seseorang. Apa jua perilaku yang kita lakukan yang mengikut norma yang diterima masyarakat menjadikan kita individu yang dihormati dan disenangi oleh orang ramai.

Setiap apa yang kita lakukanharuslah menyenangkan pelbagai pihak dan diterima ramai, begitu juga ketika berdiri, berjalan dan duduk. Cara berdiri, berjalan dan duduk perlulah menunjukkan kita yakin dengan diri, kemas dan sopan dengan postur yang betul. Kesopanan ini tidak mengira apa jua tempat dan situasi dan amat perlu terutamanya ketika sesi temuduga. Cara kita berdiri, berjalan dan duduk perlulah meyakinkan orang lain yang kita ialah individu positif dan layak mendapat kerja tersebut.

Ketika berada di tempat awam pula, kita perlulah menitikberatkan poster yang betul supaya orang lain menghormati kita.Janganlah duduk berpeleseran di kaki lima dengan cara yang tidak sopan kerana ia mengganggu orang ramai untuk berjalan dan menyemakkan mata yang melihat. Elakkan bersandar kerana ia menunjukkkan kita seorang yang malas. Ketika duduk, pastikan kaki mencecah lantai dan jangan menjungkit-jungkitkan kerusi kerana tidak selamat dan dilihat tidak sopan. Jangan menghentakkan kaki dengan kuat atau mengheret kaki ketika berjalan kerana boleh mengganggu orang ramai dan menunjukkan sikap negatif diri.

Kesopanan naik tangga dan turun tangga juga perlu dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan seharian. Naik tangga dan turun tangga dengan langkah yang kemas dan tidak terlalu membunyikan hentakan kaki. Dahulukan wanita ketika menaiki tangga dan dahulukan lelaki ketika tutun tangga. Semua ini adalah untuk keselamatan wanita. Selain itu, jika menyedari ada individu yangbergegas ketika menaiki tangga, beri laluan kepadanya kerana mungkin dia sedang bergegas untuk janjitemu.

Kesopanan juga dititikberatkan ketika masuk dan keluar lif. Dahulukan golongan orang tua, kanak-kanak dan wanita ketika masuk dam keluar. Semasa ingin masuk ke dalam lif, kita perlulah menunggu orang yang berada di dalam lif untuk keluar dahulu. Kita juga perlu memberikan laluan jik terdapat individu yang membawa barang berat atau besar. Janganlah berbual terlalu kuat di dalam lif kerana menggnaggu ketenteraman orang lain.

Situasi ini melibatkan soal jawab tentang lokasi atau masa di sesuatu tempat awam contohnya di pasaraya. Mungkin ada orang yang tidak biasa dengan kompleks membeli-belah tersebutakan bertanya bagaimana untuk pergi ke sesuatu tempat. Kita perlukah menjawab dengan wajah yang manis dan jawab tidak pasti jika memang kita tidak tahu. Jangan menjawab sesuka hati kerana akan menyusahkan orang lain. Jika kita orang yang bertanya, kita perlulah menyoal dengan sopan-santun dan jangan lupa berterima kasih.

Adab turun naik keretaa juga penting kerana menunjukkan kita elegan di mana saja terutamanya bagi wanita. Buka pintu kereta dengan sopan, berdiri di sebelah tempat duduk, dan duduk di tepi tempat duduk dengan lutut selari dengan buku lali. Kumudian, angkat kaki ke bahagian hadapan tempat duduk. Asas yang sama dipraktikkan ketika turun dari kereta.

Selalunya, terdapat banyak peraturan-peraturan khas di tempat awam seperti di lapangan terbang, di hospital, di pejabat rasmi kerajaan dan di pasaraya. Kita perlulah mengamalkan etiket dengan mematuhi setiap peraturan yang ada. Contohnya, lapangan terbang dan hospital adalah kawasan larangan merokok. Jika kita merokok juga tanpa menghiraukan peraturan yang ada, kita dipanjdang serong dan dianggap tidak beretiket. Hal ini kerana ianya dilihat tidak menghormati orang ramai.

Kita perlulah menutup mulut ketika bersin atau batuk untuk mencegah daripada menyebarkannya kepada orang lain. Bersin menyebarkan bakteria dengan kelajuan 100-600 miles per hour. Amalkan menutup mulut dengan sapu tangan atau tisu kerana jika menutup mulut dengan tangan sahaja, ditakuti bakteria penyakit akan merebak semasa kita memegang sesuatu di persekitaran.


as usual..friday 8am..i feel very exited to hear from other about success
these are what I got:
1) Be HONEST.dont tell a lie
2) What u get, give to others
Hadis Nabi Muhammad s.a.w "...If anyone fulfills his brother's needs, Allah will fulfill his needs; if one relieves a Muslim of his troubles, Allah will relieve his troubles on the Day of Resurrection.. (Al-BUkhari dan Muslim)
Never interrupt a talk, though you know it inside out (Al-Khatib Al- Baghdadi)
Hadis Nabi Muhammad s.a.w"Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt, for truthfulness is certainty and tranquility, whilst lying is doubt and confussion." (Al-Tarmidhi, Al-Nisaa'i and Ibn Hibban)
But...I am confuse. Most of them who presented use this phrase.."Most people who got many A's in SPM or STPM think that they are success. But for me, it is not success." Then I asked inside, so Is the many A's is to show the failure?? Confuse..confuse.. Then, some says who got many A's are just want to show up and to be respected by other. I asked quietly, "what if I work hard not because an A but end up getting one? " Am I a failure people?
This is why i dont like people to know my result.How I hate this situation. People always said the many A's student just do the study, not enjoy the life. The many A's students do not know how to apply the knowledge in future. The many A's student cannot say 'they dont know', it is like a shame for us. Because other people around us expect the many A's student know everything in and out. I am really stress when facing these moment. Other people says 'How I cannot get result like u?' and it make me sick. Dont see the success by the result, please. If I got good result does not mean I am really bombastic fantastic human being.
Actually, I really do what I love and love what I do. Not just study with saying 'I must get A's' everytime. They dont know how i TRY to understand what I should understand. And if it turned out that I got A's, is it wrong for me? Then, what is the proper way to study? target a B?? So confusela..


Ok..Start our business..What is attitude??Actually I do not know. Than I search through internet. The answers are very psychology..Me who is engineering student did not understand. Then I asked people about their opinion. Many of them answered the act which considering other people. Logically, it can be accepted.

Oh..I forgot to mention.. Last Saturday, my house broke in by thief. I do not know whether it is thief or thieves because do not know the quantity. He entered the house through the window while the whole family was sleeping. He took six handphones and 2 laptops and also a few of cash. We all very depressed and all blaming the thief, of course he the one to blame. What a bad guy he is. He brought to us problems; buy new handphones, new laptops..That reduces our money. Than I remember the word attitude.

The thief is the example of bad attitude. What have he done is the action without consideration of other people. He just does whatever he wants to do to get money. He never thinks about what will be the consequences for us and for him. He doesn’t care about how we feeling and how much will we loss to buy the new one. He never thinks that what he done is wrong and he will be punished if he get caught to jail or if not, will be punished by God someday.

Than I remember there are many bad attitude examples I found before, or some I have done before. Like late to club meeting, littering, park the car not appropriate position, not fold the telekung properly. And I think these will bring to other’s difficulties and bad feeling. All of the bad attitudes are done with no care about others. Like ‘who care?’. When people are in their comfort zone, they usually do not care to do something pleasant for others. Like when someone attend meeting or rehearsal late, I always found this situation during the community service program which I join, many of them said..its ok, others also came late. And it turns out too many activities to be delayed and the program was not very success.

I will conclude that attitude is the choice of action which considers us and other people’s comfort. People got two choices; to bring success and happiness or bring failure and sadness. Those who choose the positive one are the good attitude people. Bad attitude give people low chance for the success.


I’ve been asked by MR fendy (again) to deliver something about attitude…and I was begin to worry. I do not want anything like last week.

Last week, I told about a story of a girl who want to bake a cake but she didn’t know how to. Mr Fendy asked, why must bake, not just buy it? Then I said she want to feel the taste of her own cake with she who decided the quantity of the ingredient. (Actually my answer was not good as this, because of the nervous).With buying it only, she cannot feel the moment. Of course, there are a lot of recipes that she tried but most of the times, it failed. Some less sugar, some less baking powder, some less butter. Then Mr Fendi asked, how did she felt for this? Of course she felt sad, like what you have done is failed. (but the way I answer is the worst I think). And Mr fendi asked, so what is relation between this girl and success?

The girl trying is like us in real world, always trying to get what we aimed for. Yeah, life needs us to have aim. Like ir fuaad sabki said if we do not know where to go, we do not know when to get there. But we found failures frequently. That is normal for real life. The girl shows me that we must not give up for achieve success in whatever we do. How? We must choose the right decision. Like the girl, she tried to choose the right recipe for the taste that she want. And she must decide the amount of each ingredient. But, the right decision could be done after several failures. That is the way we learn from mistakes. No pain, no gain. Besides, how would she know that the cake is less this and that. She asked her mom, family, friends about it. Same as in the real life, how did we know the positive and negative about what we done, of course from critics from other people. Critics are good for improvement. This also shows that the way to success is not conquer by us only. It considers other people too. The help and opinion from other make us do better.

I also said that the success people are someone who made wise decision in life. How to make wise decision? It requires analysis the good and bad based on knowledge and experience. That is why they said knowledge is power. I remember cikgu mohd nor (my silat teacher) said we must become good listener and good observer, then only we can become good learner. The one who is good learner can make wise decision. In conclusion, success needs knowledge by the help from other with facing of failure to failure and with determination to not give up.(if only I can speak like this in public..so relief).

16 January 2010


ku mengambil subjek english career search with mr affendi..
bnyk ilmu2 hidup yg dipelajari
anyway..aku berasa sungguh bertuah dpt brguru dngn insan-insan
yg melihat kuliahnya itu sbg medan membentuk peribadi insan
mereka bukan hanya bercakap tntng ilmu subjek shj
mlh lebih dr itu
mereka memberikn ape yg trsirat dlm ilmu itu..
mereka mencurah nasihat berguna untuk kelansungan hidup
antara insan-insan itu ialah cikgu mohd noor, dr amran alias,
ir fuad sabki, hj yahya, dr sabariah, pn halijah, ust.sulaiman
en. zubil..dan my english lecturer....mr affendi hashim.
as he said..he is lecturer from hell.
i said never mind..
he said that dont take his class bcoz no final exam
actually,,i dont care whether it has or not.
just that before the registration,
i thought the name of this course is career research..hehe
i means that we will learn research the career..
when i know the actual name..
i'm glad for what i've done..bcoz
its not easy for people to accept interview, stress,
and mr fendi is there to help
his assignment was to talk about success
actually i feel embarrass bcoz for the starting, i suddenly lost the word..
not that i memorized it.it just i lost the confidence in front of the chinese
but i deliver the talk..and mr fendi ask a sudden
fortunately i have the idea to answer it..although it a mess.
next post:success