Daripada Abu Hurairah Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda “Sesiapa yang Allah mahukan kebaikan baginya, Dia (Allah) memberikannya kefahaman dalam Ad-Din” [Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim]


17 November 2010


tak suka:(versi emo)

1.dngr 'dia' mmbebel..mcm...haisyy...nsib baik aku ni msih brsbr...
mcm sngje mnykitkn hati jew..huhuhu..not that i want to hate her.

2. got notification for people comment the tagged photo..watder..like slmt hari raye pic n
so on..humm...thats why aku dh xmo tag org dh

3. dpt msg kt fb yg nth pape..bisnes la pe la..huhu

4. org yg xbuat n xtolong pastu nak komen2.n that person thought the comments was a joke.mcm...grr..suka hati aku la..n please la belajat wat lwk yg proper

5. Bila tekak da loya2 n pening..xde mood nk buat ape selain msg org yg berkenaan..haisy..
xproductive langsung

6. LAst minute command..hate that


  1. comment no 1 and no 4. haaa.. mcm tau je. xsure sape. tp mcm related. hee.. nape ni..?

  2. huuu.,..
    semalam punya cerita..
    skrg i da cool^.^



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17 November 2010


tak suka:(versi emo)

1.dngr 'dia' mmbebel..mcm...haisyy...nsib baik aku ni msih brsbr...
mcm sngje mnykitkn hati jew..huhuhu..not that i want to hate her.

2. got notification for people comment the tagged photo..watder..like slmt hari raye pic n
so on..humm...thats why aku dh xmo tag org dh

3. dpt msg kt fb yg nth pape..bisnes la pe la..huhu

4. org yg xbuat n xtolong pastu nak komen2.n that person thought the comments was a joke.mcm...grr..suka hati aku la..n please la belajat wat lwk yg proper

5. Bila tekak da loya2 n pening..xde mood nk buat ape selain msg org yg berkenaan..haisy..
xproductive langsung

6. LAst minute command..hate that


  1. comment no 1 and no 4. haaa.. mcm tau je. xsure sape. tp mcm related. hee.. nape ni..?

  2. huuu.,..
    semalam punya cerita..
    skrg i da cool^.^
